ORCA Racing Series Rules (Revised 2/29/2012)
Race Format:
Pro Cup Series
Race Distances : 50%
Setup: Open
Yellow flags are ON
Damage: Realistic
During the pace
lap and restarts make sure you leave some space between you and the car in
front. .5 to 1 sec is usually good. Do not lag behind. There is absolutely no
passing allowed during the start or restarts until after you pass the start
finish line (unless the car in front of you is way off the pace). If you have to pass prior to the start finish
line, you must pass on the outside or you'll receive a black flag.
Car Numbers
You MUST use
your assigned car number when participating in any ORCA event. It is the responsibility of each member to
make sure that your ORCA number is set as the preferred car number for the
particular vehicle that is being run in the ORCA Racing Series.
Drivers who
miss 3 races in a row without contacting a Series Admin may be removed from the
league. The goal is to keep rosters full all season and not participating
without good reason will terminate your membership, allowing other drivers to
fill the vacant roster spot.
The ORCA Racing
Series DOES NOT tolerate cheating of any kind. If a driver is found to be
cheating, he/she will be removed from the league IMMEDIATELY!
DO NOT pass
under the yellow line at Daytona or Talladega.
Failure to
comply with this rule will cost you - 7 pts. This is a very dangerous and
aggressive move which can easily cause a lot of people to retire early.
As we all know
under the current build the use of bumping or pushing is considered the way to go
fast at Daytona and Talladega. In ORCA bumping or pushing is allowed so long as it
is done in a manner that does not cause incidents. Incidents that are caused by the result of
bumping or pushing on these tracks will "ALWAYS" be the responsibility of the car that is bumping
or pushing. No car is forced to push on another car therefore a driver who chooses to push assumes
all responsibility for what occurs as a result of the pushing.
ORCA Racing
Series uses Teamspeak 3 as a communication tool. All drivers must be on Teamspeak to
participate in an ORCA race. Maintain radio silence during qualifying (no
exceptions). During the race conversation should be limited to race related
matters only. During practice these rules can be more slack. Drivers who do not
enjoy the increased conversation during practice can retreat to a private race
channel. Private race channels can be used during the race as long as you
maintain a whisper connection to the race server admin to receive instructions.
All drivers must be present in the main channel for the drivers meeting.
Flaming will
NOT be tolerated in this league. All ORCA members are required to act in a
professional and respectful manner. Any member found guilty of using profanity
and/or derogatory remarks towards another member on the racing server, forum,
via email or during chatting sessions on Teamspeak, depending on the severity
and/or number of offenses, will either lose 7 points in the standings or be
removed from the league.
Keep your cool
at all times on the track. Any driver found guilty of intentionally wrecking
another driver, depending on the severity and/or number of offenses, will
either lose 25 points in the standings or be removed from the league.
Clean blocking
is allowed with 10 laps to go in order to protect one's position during the
race. Clean blocking is defined as allowing another driver room for a timely
and defensive response. Any attempt to block that clearly is the cause of
another's misfortune will result in disciplinary action.
responsibility for being patient and waiting for an opportunity to make a clean
pass rests on the driver attempting to make the pass. No one is obligated to
simply move aside to allow another car to pass. Every driver on the lead lap
has the right to continue to race his/her established racing line. If they do
so, that DOES NOT constitute blocking.
Blocking is
defined as suddenly changing the racing line in an attempt to cut off and
prevent an obviously faster car from making a pass. The act of blocking is
considered unacceptable, unsportsmanlike and overly aggressive racing behavior.
1st Blocking
Offense: 7 points and a stern warning.
2nd Blocking
Offense: One-Race Suspension.
3rd Blocking
Offense: Removal from the league.
When the caution comes out, all drivers must
slow to pacing speed. During the pace lap and restarts make sure you leave some
space between you and the car in front. .5 to 1 sec is usually good. Do not lag
behind. There is absolutely no passing allowed during the start or restarts
until after you pass the start finish line (unless the car in front of you is
way off the pace). If you have to pass
prior to the start finish line, you must pass on the outside or you'll receive
a black flag. If you are involved in an incident and your car leaves the track
or comes to a stop do not move or re enter the track until it is safe for you to
do so without . It is your responsibility to get your car back on track without
affecting other on track cars. When you do enter the track stay on the low side
until you are up to pacing speed.
Black Flags
ORCA Racing
Series does not clear black flags for any reason other than as follows: (no
Race command
will be in control of all other black flag infractions. After an incident has occurred on the track
be careful to be in the correct pacing order prior to entering pit road or you
will receive a black flag for passing under yellow. If you are being told to
let a car by stop prior to entering pit road and wait for that car to pass.
Sometimes when you pass by an incident scene you are passing cars that are
actually slotted ahead of you in the order. Always pay close attention to race
command during these situations.
When pitting, announce
your intentions on Teamspeak during the early part of the lap, drop to the
bottom groove and slow down making sure to enter the flat portion of the pit
entrance at a safe speed so you don't spin up onto the track in front oncoming
traffic. Enter pit rd in the far right lane and use this lane until you reach
your stall and then cross pit lane into your stall. Once in the pits be aware
of other drivers entering/exiting their pit stalls. When exiting pit lane again
use your Teamspeak to let drivers know that you are exiting the pits. Exit your
stall and move to the far right lane as quickly as possible. After passing the
cones stay below the white line or (yellow line) and enter on the back
straightaway making sure the track behind you is clear. Stay in the low groove
until you are up to speed. Make sure you are aware of each tracks pit speed.
All black flags for speeding will be served.
We all have bad
days and there will be times when you go down a lap or more for whatever
reason. When this happens please give way to those drivers that are on the lead
lap. Give them plenty of room to get by you. It's okay to fight to get your lap
back or to fight to stay on the lead lap, but if you just can't do it please
give way. Do not race people that are not on the same lap as you. Use your auto
chat to let the leaders know where to pass you (i.e. high or low) then give
way. The favor will be returned to you some day.
Issues and Warping
It is each
driver's responsibility to make sure their connection is optimized for online
racing. Now we all know there is this thing out there called WARP. If you are
warping really bad during the race please do everybody a favor and exit. You
should consider warping as an electrical problem with your car. You can not
race with a bad electrical problem. There will probably even be times when you
get booted from a race because of your ISP. This is just part of racing online.
If you are warping really bad during a race then please show common courtesy
towards your fellow drivers and disconnect.
There may even
be times when there is a problem with the server. I know there has been a time
when a major storm is crossing the country and the server just doesn't act
right. Whenever there are problems visit your league Forum. There we will
discuss what to do and decide whether or not to re-schedule the race. Hopefully
this will be a rare problem.
I understand
that there are situations and emergencies when you will not be able to race. Because
of this each driver will have 2 provisionals to use. When you use a provisional
you will be awarded last place points. Provisional points will be a set amount
and will be based on the number of drivers on the roster at the start of the
season. After all 2 of your provisionals have been used, you will no longer
earn any points for missing a race, so use them responsibly.
Drivers suspended from a race will not receive provisional points.
Racing Goal
The primary
focus of ORCA is to reduce the number of error-induced caution periods, thereby
increasing the number of laps run under green flag conditions. This is the
motto and main reason for the creation of this league; to assemble a collection
of the cleanest, most skilled drivers in online racing, and enjoy the highest
level of competition in an environment conducive to green flag racing.
goals to achieving this:
1. To provide
incentive for drivers to use more on-track care; paying more attention, backing
out of dangerous passing situations, giving other drivers more room, and
staying focused.
2. To provide
incentive to de-tune hot and loose setups into an easier, more drivable
condition that is safer for everyone.
3. To reward
clean, consistent drivers that race within their means and don't take
unnecessary risks.
Points System
ORCA Racing Series uses the NASCAR points and bonus system as a basis with a few variations being the penalty system and an additional bonus of 2 pts for finishing a race incident free. In order to receive the bonus you must complete 80% of the total laps and finish the race with a status of “running”
drivers have an excellent reason for tuning their cars for stability and
exercising extreme caution on the track: threat to life, limb, property, and
livelihood. As tragically demonstrated in the first Winston Cup race of the
2001 season at Daytona, even the best of drivers are subject to the brutal
physical laws of high speeds and high forces. This very real element of danger
plays a key role in every NASCAR race; it inspires drivers to race as cleanly
as possible, avoid dangerous situations, bring a stable car to race, and spend
more time driving in a defensive manner. Accidents do happen, and several
yellow flags come out in the course of an average race. However, the
extraordinary risk associated with "drawing out a yellow" acts as the
primary tempering factor amongst a field of highly competitive sportsman.
Online racing
is totally void of this element of danger. There is little incentive for any
given driver to back out of a dangerous pass, or run a stable and easy setup if
a faster, looser one is at hand. When one combines accurately simulated speeds
and physics of a genuine NASCAR race with a complete lack of danger or
consequence, an inordinate number of wrecks, spins and associated miscalculations
are virtually assured.
The Online
In the absence
of mortal danger in online racing, creating an artificial sense of danger or
consequence is the only way to effectively reduce careless driving, directly
proportional to the number of yellow flags. The formula is simple: increasing
the level of consequence for mistakes reduces the level of carelessness. More
care, attention, and focus leads to reduced number of caution periods.
What can we use
for "danger"? Season points. Every driver in this league is driving
for points, and those that have ambitions for season championships value those
points above all else.
A committee of 3
ORCA members known as the Infractions Committee (IC) will been appointed by the
Competition Admin with the sole function of penalty distribution. The IC will
review replays of every official season race and will use the information
contained on those replays to determine which racing incidents can be fairly
penalized. The IC will conduct itself in a manner that maintains as high a
degree of impartiality, fairness, and objectivity as possible.
the IC votes unanimously 3-0 that an incident was your fault the decision is
the IC votes split decision 2-1 that an incident was your fault you may appeal
to the Competition Admin who will add his vote and either uphold the penalty
3-1 or revoke the penalty 2-2.
Each driver will have 3 appeals per 12 week season so use them wisely.
IC members
involved in an incident cannot vote on that particular issue. Alternate members
will be used to fill in for IC members involved in particular incidents.
and Penalties
* Note - As mentioned above our penalty system is based on fault. Incidents are not recorded and used the way that Iracing does. Incidents are still an important stat in our system even though they are not used the same way. Because of this penalties will remain in effect until the end of the cool down lap, After you have taken the checkered flag continue at a safe speed to your pit stall or safely off of the track and where you can quickly exit your car without incident. Any incidents that occur on the cool down lap will be penalized like any other incident. Any incident during the cool down lap that directly effects yours or any others Inc's for the race will draw the 7pt penalty.
Racing Deal: 2
or more cars involved, but the IC is unable to determine who's at fault, regardless if the caution comes out or other cars are damaged.
-0 pts.
A spin/wreck
that does not bring out a yellow flag, and does not ultimately cause damage to
another driver's car.
-0 pts.
A spin/wreck
that brings out the yellow flag, but does not ultimately cause damage to
another driver's car.
-3 pts.
A spin/wreck
that damages/spins another driver's car, regardless if it brings out the yellow
flag or not.
-7 pts.
Careless or
reckless driving in the pits or under caution that damages/spins another
driver's car.
-7 pts.
Flaming or
intentionally hitting another driver's car (Depending on the severity, removal
from the league is a possibility)
-30 pts.
1) Penalties
will be tracked over a the entire season
2) Being
penalized 28+ championship points during a season will result in a one-race
suspension each time.
3) While
serving a suspension you will not receive provisional points.
4) After being
penalized 28 or more points and serving suspension those 28 points are removed from your total.
4 or more incidents in a race will result in an automatic suspension.
Clearly, we
can't impose a rule on everything. We can't penalize every single mistake.
Trying to do so would create a season consisting primarily of contempt, ill
will, and bickering over a hundred-page manual of very specific rules. None of
us want a league that has all the fun factor stripped away by rules,
regulations, and boring limitations on driving bravado. By the same token,
drivers can educate themselves on some basic principles for clean driving and
greatly reduce the potential for accidents in the first place. This section is
devoted to driving recommendations; tips and expectations that drivers should
follow in order to limit the chances that they will end up with a wadded up
car, hurt pride, and fewer season points. The more drivers that internalize and
follow these recommendations, the fewer yellow flags we will have to endure,
and the fewer penalty points that will need to be handed out from resulting
Pace Laps
Maintain a
reasonable and safe gap when pacing. Don't ride the bumper of the guy in front
of you. A good rule of thumb for a safe gap is a .5 to 1.0-second interval. Use
the F3 command to see a live interval report. Note that it is always the
responsibility of the guy behind to keep his car out of the rear bumper of
anyone in front. Gap accordingly. Maintain a line on the bottom leaving room on
the high side for any car that may be getting the Lucky Dog wave around.
leaders: do your best to
maintain a steady pace speed that matches that of the pace car. If you are the leader,
you may not lag behind the pace car by more than 1 second on the backstretch.
Note the speed of the pace car on the backstretch and maintain that speed
through the final turn before the restart. When the pace car pulls off the
track do not accelerate or decelerate, maintain the pace car's original speed
as you approach the green flag. Never touch the brakes as you approach the
green flag.
If you are in
line behind the leader, stay between .2 and .5 seconds behind the car in front
of you in the final turn before the restart. Do not lag back in order to get a
jump on the leaders. When the green flag drops you may begin to accelerate.
alert and pay close attention to your spotter under yellow. Race command will
sometimes issue instructions to let cars by or to have you pass cars as they
sort out the pacing order.
Watch your P's
and Q's because if you're constantly being complained about by your fellow
racers to your League Admin, you could be removed from the league. The League Admin has the authority to remove
any driver for disrupting the league.
We may at
any time make revisions to the rules. All drivers will be made aware of
revisions by email and through the forums. It is each drivers responsibility to
stay up to date on any rules changes that might occur.